So you think it's that time of the year to start planning losing the extra weight or booking your next summer vacations.
You know, the "normal" new year resolutions that everyone has and no one fulfils.
You know what? I say fuck all the external new year resolutions.
You know what the best resolution truly is? The best new year resolution you can have is to LISTEN TO YOUR HEART AND SOUL!
WAKE UP and leave the illusion that you need "stability" and a "job" or whatever the shit your parents or educating/religious systems put in you and only make you feel miserable.
It's time to say FUCK OFF to everything that doesn't resonates with your soul and makes you unhappy: people, situations, etc. Especially the people and the situations that validate you feeling miserable.
Not that they're to blame, they're also wrapped up in the matrix.
But they're merely validating you staying there too. And if you want to live from your inner truth, you need to get rid of everything and everyone that does not align with that truth.
There's nothing more secure in this life than being happy with who you are.
That's when the Universe gots your back and things start to align without effort or struggling. Because the struggle is only a wake-up call.
What makes you feel unhappy and depressed is NOT "the normal" or "how life is", despite what you've been hearing for years.
Unfortunately people that are so numbed from living the rat race and not listening to their own souls will always tell you that you need a secure job even it kills you inside, or that you need to stay in that marriage even if it kills you inside.
Unfortunately people that are so numbed from living the rat race and not listening to their own souls will always tell you that you need a secure job even it kills you inside, or that you need to stay in that marriage even if it kills you inside.
This is not the normal! This is an alienating way of living! You just forgot what normal is. But now you'll remember again because you'll give a chance to yourself! YOU will give a chance to YOURSELF!
So if you wake up on a Monday morning dreading to go to your job, or if you dread coming back home to a dead-end relationship, those are the things you should listen too!
Not start going to the gym or planning your next summer vacations. Because those things will only act as camouflage to your inner truth.
But truly WAKING UP from the FUCKING MATRIX!
How many more times you need to become sick with different diseases, or go broke, or feel depressed, etc, before you finally realise all that are WAKE-UP calls from your soul?
Your soul is SCREAMING at you to LISTEN!
So, say FUCK OFF FEAR and realise you already have everything inside yourself that you need to be happy.
You're powerful beyond measure. You just don't know it (yet) because the system has put you asleep.
If you're reading this is not by chance. It's time for you to pay attention to what your inner truth says, not what mom or dad say, or your husband/wife or boyfriend, or whatever. YOU!
Because living a life aligned with your inner truth and integrity is the best new year resolution you can make!
What does your inner truth tells you, what makes you feel passionate and jump with joy?
Do you want to write a book? Start your own business? Become a photographer? Create your own recipes? Take care of animals?
What you are passionate about are not just hobbies or "things you like". Those are your SOUL CALLINGS and your true vocations. And I say it in plural because you might even have more than one. I surely do!
Those are all earthly expressions of your most beautiful soul gifts. Honour them! Value them! Give them space to come alive!
Even if you're not yet sure of what your inner truth is, just be! Just be with yourself. Because we're human BEINGS, not human doings. The doing comes after the being and as an expression of the being.
Sit in silence and listen to your inner talk, to your intuition.
And life will then start to unfold in so many beautiful ways. You'll be the co-creator of your own amazing life, bringing heaven into earth.
What does your inner truth tells you, what makes you feel passionate and jump with joy?
Do you want to write a book? Start your own business? Become a photographer? Create your own recipes? Take care of animals?
What you are passionate about are not just hobbies or "things you like". Those are your SOUL CALLINGS and your true vocations. And I say it in plural because you might even have more than one. I surely do!
Those are all earthly expressions of your most beautiful soul gifts. Honour them! Value them! Give them space to come alive!
Even if you're not yet sure of what your inner truth is, just be! Just be with yourself. Because we're human BEINGS, not human doings. The doing comes after the being and as an expression of the being.
Sit in silence and listen to your inner talk, to your intuition.
And life will then start to unfold in so many beautiful ways. You'll be the co-creator of your own amazing life, bringing heaven into earth.
You were never made to play small. As Rumi says, "you're not a drop in the ocean, but the entire ocean in a drop".
So say NO to everything that is not aligned with your truth. Don't worry about money, because money will follow and the Universe has your back.
Life is so much wonderful when EVERYTHING you do is an expression of your beautiful soul and truth.
Life is so much wonderful when EVERYTHING you do is an expression of your beautiful soul and truth.
Go have fun, go do what makes your heart sing whatever it is! It's the only normal that exists.
It's time to wake up and LIVE.
Make 2017 the best year ever!
Make 2017 the best year ever!
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