It's actually very simple.
Unless you inherit money or are lucky enough to win the lottery, there are only 2 ways in life to become rich.
One is by creating business to make money. The other is by creating businesses to fuel a passion and money comes along.
This website is for entrepreneurs that relate to the second way of making money. I'm not saying there's something wrong with the first, but there's a clear difference between them.
The first type of entrepreneurs are people that create businesses, products and services because they sell and they want to make money.
This type of people have money as solely their goal. So they don't care if they sell potatoes or cars, as long as they make good profit.
They're always tuned into what's trendy (or can become trendy in the future), investing their time and efforts in making more money.
The second type of entrepreneur (and what this website is all about) is the type that has their main goal to live an enjoyable life doing something that they're passionate about!
They basically were able to turn their great idea into a fortune.
They know their soul purpose and what makes their blood and soul racing. So they want to develop businesses that allow them to explore that, help other people and, in the process, make lots of money.
They're open to make money because by making lots of it, they'll not only be able to live an enjoyable life, but they'll be able to improve their products and services and offer more and better of what they're passionate about.
They dream of building a company that creates the best products or services and they really want to make a difference in a specific field.
They would never change to sell a different product or service if it's not aligned with their inner truth and their soul.
Again, this article doesn't intend to judge the first type of entrepreneur described. As long as it's made in a honest way and with integrity, just be it.
And yes it is very possible to find products or services that generate a million dollars even if it is meaningless to the person who sells it.
But is far more fullfiling to make money with what you love
And the people they're selling to can feel it comes from their heart, those people can feel their positive and passionate energy and that's why money comes along, even if it takes more time.
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ReplyDeleteI am def the second type of entrepreneur. I want to create soulful products that touch people's heart & souls! And inspires them to live the life they want to live!That's what I would love to do. I am a blogger too. Your content is great!