Saturday 31 December 2016

This Is The Best New Year Resolution You'll Ever Make!

So you think it's that time of the year to start planning losing the extra weight or booking your next summer vacations.

You know, the "normal" new year resolutions that everyone has and no one fulfils.

You know what? I say fuck all the external new year resolutions. 

You know what the best resolution truly is? The best new year resolution you can have is to LISTEN TO YOUR HEART AND SOUL!

WAKE UP and leave the illusion that you need "stability" and a "job" or whatever the shit your parents or educating/religious systems put in you and only make you feel miserable. 

It's time to say FUCK OFF to everything that doesn't resonates with your soul and makes you unhappy: people, situations, etc. Especially the people and the situations that validate you feeling miserable.

Not that they're to blame, they're also wrapped up in the matrix. 

But they're merely validating you staying there too. And if you want to live from your inner truth, you need to get rid of everything and everyone that does not align with that truth.

There's nothing more secure in this life than being happy with who you are. 

That's when the Universe gots your back and things start to align without effort or struggling. Because the struggle is only a wake-up call.

What makes you feel unhappy and depressed is NOT "the normal" or "how life is", despite what you've been hearing for years.

Unfortunately people that are so numbed from living the rat race and not listening to their own souls will always tell you that you need a secure job even it kills you inside, or that you need to stay in that marriage even if it kills you inside.

This is not the normal! This is an alienating way of living! You just forgot what normal is. But now you'll remember again because you'll give a chance to yourself! YOU will give a chance to YOURSELF!

So if you wake up on a Monday morning dreading to go to your job, or if you dread coming back home to a dead-end relationship, those are the things you should listen too! 

Not start going to the gym or planning your next summer vacations. Because those things will only act as camouflage to your inner truth.

But truly WAKING UP from the FUCKING MATRIX!

How many more times you need to become sick with different diseases, or go broke, or feel depressed, etc, before you finally realise all that are WAKE-UP calls from your soul? 

Your soul is SCREAMING at you to LISTEN! 

So, say FUCK OFF FEAR and realise you already have everything inside yourself that you need to be happy.

You're powerful beyond measure. You just don't know it (yet) because the system has put you asleep. 

If you're reading this is not by chance. It's time for you to pay attention to what your inner truth says, not what mom or dad say, or your husband/wife or boyfriend, or whatever. YOU!

Because living a life aligned with your inner truth and integrity is the best new year resolution you can make!

What does your inner truth tells you, what makes you feel passionate and jump with joy?

Do you want to write a book? Start your own business? Become a photographer? Create your own recipes? Take care of animals?

What you are passionate about are not just hobbies or "things you like". Those are your SOUL CALLINGS and your true vocations. And I say it in plural because you might even have more than one. I surely do!

Those are all earthly expressions of your most beautiful soul gifts. Honour them! Value them! Give them space to come alive!

Even if you're not yet sure of what your inner truth is, just be! Just be with yourself. Because we're human BEINGS, not human doings. The doing comes after the being and as an expression of the being.

Sit in silence and listen to your inner talk, to your intuition.

And life will then start to unfold in so many beautiful ways. You'll be the co-creator of your own amazing life, bringing heaven into earth.

You were never made to play small. As Rumi says, "you're not a drop in the ocean, but the entire ocean in a drop". 

So say NO to everything that is not aligned with your truth. Don't worry about money, because money will follow and the Universe has your back.

Life is so much wonderful when EVERYTHING you do is an expression of your beautiful soul and truth.

Go have fun, go do what makes your heart sing whatever it is! It's the only normal that exists.

It's time to wake up and LIVE.

Make 2017 the best year ever!

Saturday 10 December 2016

Become What You Want to Attract Into Your Life

I am a firm believer on the Law of Attraction, or should we say, Law of Vibration.
Everything we attract into our lives (people, jobs, etc) are a direct mirror of who we are and the energy we are emitting to the world.
I think that is the reason why sometimes we don’t attract into our lives the things we want. Because we’re not at the same energetic frequency (or vibrating channel) than those things.
Let’s say for example that you truly want to find your soulmate and have a happy loving relationship. But as much as you want it, it just doesn’t seem to happen or you seem to be attracting the wrong type of men.
There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re just on a different vibration to what you truly want.
You can follow instructions from other websites that say for you to create a vision board, or repeat mantras every day. That’s all fine. They all serve to change your frequency and get you in tune with the soulmate you wish to manifest into your life.
But, the most important thing that most of those websites don’t tell you, is that you need to believe it will happen!
That belief needs to come from the depth of your soul. You just KNOW it is true. You don’t know when it will happen, but you know it will.

So, this is what you can do while you wait:

Become what you want to attract

First of all, make sure that what you want comes from your heart and from your inner truth. That is not something someone told you need to have but deep down is not what you want.
If it not aligned with your inner truth, either it will not happen or it will happen but it will be karmic and will make you miserable (although sometimes we do learn valuable lessons this way).
So, following our example of manifesting your soulmate, and if what you want is a true love partnership, first make sure you become that love yourself.
Make sure you open your heart, feel and give that love to yourself first. That’s how you truly change your vibration into what you want to manifest.
So, a soulmate will be merely a manifestation of your vibration, a mirror.
A queen doesn’t sit on her trone waiting for her king to arrive. She is busy ruling the kingdom whilst leaving the gate open for him to come to her. But she believes he will come.
And this also works for everything else in life: having a career that is in tune with your life purpose, manifesting abundance, good friends, etc.
Believing you do have the inner power to create and attract the life you want is the most important thing to change your vibration and make it happen.
You are not at the mercy of external events or the fate someone else told you. It is up to you to create everything you want by believing and becoming it. 🙂

You Are Your Guru!

I believe the purpose of life on Earth is to go through many experiences that will help reveal who we truly are at the soul level.
Some of those experiences are very painful, sad, dangerous, etc. Its purpose is to wake us up and make our consciousness evolve.

Basically like a caterpillar that endures so much so one day she can turn into a beautiful butterfly. Because that’s what we all are at the soul level, a beautiful butterfly wanting to enjoy life at its fullest and help lift the vibration of the entire planet.
But you can only reach that point in the ascension process by sticking to who you truly are, to your own inner truth.
Part of this process is to leave behind old belief systems and patterns of behaviour that are not truly ours. That were passed into us from our parents, spouses, friends, education and religion systems, etc. That never really resonated with who we are. But hey, we once believed they were the “truth”.
Now we’re finding out that everyone has their own truth and that’s the beauty of life and what makes everyone so special.
The world needs each one of us to live from our own inner truth, elevate our vibration and shine!
But the thing is, along this path of leaving behind old beliefs and discovering new things, we end up finding new belief systems that are “more spiritual”, like new-age concepts, doing yoga, etc, etc, that have their own truths and lingo.
Somehow we might end up thinking those are now our new belief systems and we feel we need spiritual gurus to tell us what to do next.
But, the same karmic pattern will reveal itself again: we don’t resonate with some of the things like we don’t want to eat the things they tell us we should eat, or we don’t want to sit down to meditate everyday like someone else says we should if we’re spiritual.
It’s basically the same patterns coming up again and screaming at us to stop and listen INSIDE instead.
We all have a spiritual guru inside of us, called our inner voice. You can also call it God, intuition, higher self.
Listening to it is all we need to become a beautiful butterfly and live a life aligned with our inner truth.
So, I’m not saying don’t do yoga or meditation or go on self-developments workshops (I love yoga myself), but take everything with a pinch of salt (even this article)!
Stay with what resonates with your truth and leave what doesn’t. You don’t have to label yourself anything! You can enjoy certain things that make sense to you and leave others behind that don’t.
Be your own guru!
Meet new people, make friends, listen to and try new things, seek guidance or healing if needed and let yourself be inspired and awakened, but remember, at the end of the day, staying aligned with your own inner truth is what matters, even if no one else understands.
That is your power. Don’t let anyone or anything take it away from you.

Sunday 14 August 2016

How To Instantly Manifest What You Want

If you're into the Law of Attraction you know that in order to manifest you need to align yourself with the vibration of what you want, through your thoughts and especially through your emotions.

Things take time in 3D to actually manifest in the physical, but the process starts much sooner than that.

What if I tell you that we can in fact instantly manifest all that we want?

Instant manifestation is accessible to everyone at any place and time.

Imagine for example that you have holidays booked in 2 months to an amazing place near the beach. You know you're going to have a real good time there so you go those entire 2 months visualizing and imagining yourself relaxing at the beach, diving into the sea, enjoying great food, spending quality time with friends or family...

Just by imagining and visualizing, you're creating and feeling all the good emotions you expect to feel when you're actually there on holidays. And guess what this is? Instant manifestation.

Although you're not there yet and is not yet manifesting in the physical, those emotions you are feeling NOW are indeed REAL! You feel really joyful and happy every time you think about the holidays and the Universe cannot do anything else but matching your vibration and manifesting it for you in the physical.

So, the manifestation of your holidays didn't happen on the day you finally travelled to your destination. It started much sooner than that. You raised your vibration and aligned with those holidays long before it truly happened.

And this is how the Law of Attraction does its magic.

Athletes know this very well when they visualize themselves months before of wining a match or a medal. They didn't win it at the day it was actually manifested in the physical, the process started much sooner with instant manifestation of all the emotions associated with it.

You become so associated with all those good emotions that it becomes your reality. You know in your gut that it is REAL!

All you need to do is shift the focus from a place of lack that only lowers your vibration and makes you feel unhappy therefore creating resistance and blocking manifestation, to a place of allowing yourself to visualize and imagine that you already have all the things you want and allowing yourself to feel all the good emotions that come with it.

Remember, the key thing here is ALLOWING yourself to feel.

Believe me, imagination and visualization are real and it's powerful stuff.

The Universe doesn't care if it's only imagination, it only cares about how it makes you feel. And if it makes you feel good, it will become your reality and manifest in 3D in due course.

"The best way to predict your future is to create it" - Abraham Lincoln

Sometimes and because we don't have a set date for most things to manifest in 3D (like the booked holidays), it can make you distrust they're going to happen and manifest. This is when you need to trust your intuition (your gut feeling) and notice the signs along the way that point you in the right direction.

You can even actively ask for a sign, believe me, it will be delivered to you.

But why does it take so long to actually manifest things in the physical if I'm already aligning?

In other realms of consciousness things happen much faster, but then they need to come down to 3D and life in this planet is much slower and very often your life needs to change first in order for the new things to enter.

Old things need to go, lessons need to be learned, karma needs to be released, etc.

Also make sure that the things you want to manifest are directly coming from your inner truth and your heart and are based on giving and receiving.

Doing the instant manifestation is something that takes practice, especially if you have years of conditioning to focus on lack instead of focusing on abundance (and many people have).

But the more you practice the more you realise that you are indeed the creator of your own life.

Let it Go

Visualizing and imagining are key to raise your vibration and to make you align, but the next step in order for things to manifest in the physical reality is to let go.

Respect the divine timing of everything and trust the Universe that everything unfolds perfectly, even if you don't understand it now.

Follow the Guidance

If you stay open, you'll receive divine guidance. When that happens follow it and take instant action.

This is very different from working hard until you drop or struggle everyday.

This is following your guidance and signs and do what you need to do that align with the emotions you feel when you visualize.

Stay open and sometimes things manifest in a much better way than we could ever imagine! :)

Monday 25 April 2016

Your Power Comes From Your Emotions

Many women become a spiritual entrepreneur after a major spiritual and heart chakra awakening where they want to live a life aligned with their true self.

This means letting go of all old beliefs and patterns that were never truly yours but inherited by your family and/or religious and educational systems.

This is a process that will take the necessary time and for you to full ascend to a 5D consciousness.

Very often you'll find yourself coming and going from old beliefs to your truth. This is completely normal.

For example, for me, I always believed that to make money you need to be "corporate". This was my  old template. You need to go on business meetings, dress formal, bring out your masculine energy and thrive.

This never felt right. I always felt like a fish out of the water and pretending to be someone I'm not. But, I used to believe that this is the way to make money and be successful. What a bunch of bulls***!

When I eventually woke up and truly began the ascension process and finding my own truth, I could clearly see how these beliefs are not mine and make no sense at all.

I am indeed a very informal person, a hippie at heart that couldn't care less about wearing a suit and heels.

So that's when I realised that in the work that you do as in all the rest, your power comes from your emotions.

What you feel is indeed a guiding light for you to stay on your true path.

If something makes you feel bad, it's because it is a lie. It might be true to someone else, but it is a lie to yourself. It is not aligned with who you are at the soul level.

On the contrary, if something makes you jump with joy like a bunny in a field of dafodils, then you know you're on the right path. That's how it is supposed for life to feel!

So, your emotions will guide you in developing your spiritual business. A business that is heart centered and focused on healing humanity, and yourself.

No more ignoring our emotions like in the past, feeling we must have some kind of problem because we feel bad or because we don't feel like we're "supposed" to feel. That kind of 3D social conditioning is gone... forever!

As a powerful awaken and conscious woman you respect yourself and everything you feel.

I am feeling like a jumping bunny when writing this and I can certainly feel my heart chakra tingling.

Part of a spiritual awakening is saying no to what and whom makes you feel bad and saying yes to what makes you feel good and happy.

Let your emotions guide you into the light!

Watch this great video about Abraham Hicks and the power of your emotions:

Saturday 9 April 2016

The One Thing About the Law of Attraction No One Tells You About

Are you into the Law of Attraction?

Maybe you've searched about it, read lots about it and because you're so tuned into it, you have even started to manifest articles, events or people coming to you related to the law of attraction.

Isn't it funny that you've started finding articles about it on Facebook, or someone at work talking about it? Yes that is already an example of how the law of attraction is manifesting to you.

Maybe that's even how you came across this article.

The Law of Attraction exists, it's real and by learning it we can change ourselves and our lives.

There's lots written about it, about how our external lives are a manifestation of our thoughts, our feelings and our beliefs.

It's all about the law of vibration actually. You need to match the energy of what you want to manifest in order for things to start happening.

So, you read a lot about it and you know what you need to do: you try to have positive thoughts, to feel like you already manifested all you want, etc, etc.

So why is it still so hard to manifest a successful business, abundance, money, a soulmate, etc?

That's the one thing no one tells you about the Law of Attraction.

It's all right to try to think positively, do affirmations and have positive feelings, but NOT at the expense of your own current inner state.

What this means is that in order to manifest and in order for all your "law of attraction" actions to work you cannot ignore how you currently feel, and just go on pretending you're matching everything you want.

You cannot ignore a lot of stuff (beliefs, templates, etc) that you've been helding inside yourself for years and very often since childhood, that have been preventing you from manifesting what you want.

First you need to release everything inside you that needs to go away, giving space to new things to enter - the things you want to manifest.

That's how you align yourself with the energy of what you want to manifest, you release and open space.

In order to fill a bottle with new fresh water, you first need to get rid of the old water that's inside it, right? If you don't get rid of the old water first, no amount of affirmations and positive thoughts and feelings will work, because they won't take the water out by miracle.

So you cannot just do affirmations or try to feel good and positive when in reality you don't and you still have that "old water" running in your cells. Your subconscious mind is much more powerful than your conscious mind and it knows the truth.

So, how can you release the old?

What you really need to do is ASK and set the intention. Ask the Universe to help you release all old templates and old beliefs you have about yourself and abundance.

You need to ALLOW yourself to FEEL!

And this means feeling everything that needs to be felt. All the pain, all the negative stuff that is stuck inside you.

Letting go of that stuff is what you should aim to do before you do all the affirmations and positive thoughts and etc.

Say ENOUGH and release everything! Take some time for yourself, sit in silence and listen to yourself, and CRY OUT LOUD if you need to! Go to the real bottom of yourself!

When you finally release all the old stuff and the old beliefs (that actually came from your parents, spouse, family, etc, and are not really yours), that's when you open the space for the REAL you to appear. The one that knows that deserves abundance and a happy life.

You bring to the surface that deep inner knowing you always felt inside you. And oh boy, that's when things start to happen!

You allow yourself to come home and be the true you.

And now you're aligned.

You're simply owning your power. You're no longer at the mercy of all the things you need to do everyday in order to attract abundance, but you become a magnet to it, even if you don't do anything!

Because "being" always come first than "having".

Because you are just aligned and you're flowing and naturally your thoughts and the way you feel will be different with no effort required.

Sometimes it will even feel like you're leaving an old life behind you that you don't relate to anymore. And you really are.

Yes, affirmations, trying to have positive thoughts and feelings, feel and act like it is already manifested, etc, are great ways to start the process. But... it is a process!

It won't work if you don't allow yourself to get rid of all the old stuff first.

That's why you probably read a few times articles saying that some people manifest straight away (money, a relationship, etc) and you probably wonder "how can I do that"?

But what no one tells you is that those people that manifest instantly probably already did a lot of work on themselves beforehand in order to release a lot of stuff and they already have space to manifest.

When you actively ask for help to release and you truly want it, it will happen. It may take a day, it may take weeks or months, but it WILL happen!

There are no shortcuts. You simply need to face the darkness first in order to embrace the light.

Make the rest of your life the best of your life!

Thursday 7 April 2016

The Only 2 Ways to Become Rich

It's actually very simple.

Unless you inherit money or are lucky enough to win the lottery, there are only 2 ways in life to become rich. .

One is by creating business to make money. The other is by creating businesses to fuel a passion and money comes along.

This website is for entrepreneurs that relate to the second way of making money. I'm not saying there's something wrong with the first, but there's a clear difference between them.

The first type of entrepreneurs are people that create businesses, products and services because they sell and they want to make money.

This type of people have money as solely their goal. So they don't care if they sell potatoes or cars, as long as they make good profit.

They're always tuned into what's trendy (or can become trendy in the future), investing their time and efforts in making more money.

The second type of entrepreneur (and what this website is all about) is the type that has their main goal to live an enjoyable life doing something that they're passionate about!

They basically were able to turn their great idea into a fortune.

They know their soul purpose and what makes their blood and soul racing. So they want to develop businesses that allow them to explore that, help other people and, in the process, make lots of money.

They're open to make money because by making lots of it, they'll not only be able to live an enjoyable life, but they'll be able to improve their products and services and offer more and better of what they're passionate about.

They dream of building a company that creates the best products or services and they really want to make a difference in a specific field.

They would never change to sell a different product or service if it's not aligned with their inner truth and their soul.

Again, this article doesn't intend to judge the first type of entrepreneur described. As long as it's made in a honest way and with integrity, just be it.

And yes it is very possible to find products or services that generate a million dollars even if it is meaningless to the person who sells it.

But is far more fullfiling to make money with what you love.

And the people they're selling to can feel it comes from their heart, those people can feel their positive and passionate energy and that's why money comes along, even if it takes more time.